Intelligence Amplification in Service
The Guardian Initiative
Health and Safety are foundational in the human hierarchy of needs and first responders are the backbone of modern society. Before the Coronavirus pandemic brought attention to their intrinsic merit, millions of police officers, fire fighters, paramedics and healthcare workers served their communities honorably and with purpose. Whether its keeping the peace, protecting citizens against unforeseen dangers or rescuing nations in crisis – their mission has always been and is now more then ever – the most challenging and important the world over.
In chaos there is great opportunity, so we invite our wisest Police officers, our bravest fire fighters and most compassionate healthcare workers to join us in shaping a techno-cultural paradigm shift and deploying a set of tools designed specifically to cultivate unwavering excellence in health, emotional, cognitive and intellectual potential of all humans in a post Covid-19 world.
Why Intelligence Amplification?
Harnessing emotions to generate brilliant performance
Stress degrades performance in every aspect of life. People become depressed, recovery from illness takes longer, general satisfaction with life is lower. SensoLabs takes direct aim at this core challenge. Using a wristband and a mobile phone, we transform stress into performance, frustration into being “in the zone.”
Intelligence Amplification is not Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is actualy NOT the holly grail as related to human enhanced experience. It seeks global patterns in behavior to predict, for example, what we may want to buy. It does not replace our brain which can think, create and problem solve. Intelligence Amplification ( “IA” ) helps each individual overcome the emotional and physical barrers to creativity. IA enables creative thinking in the most challenging circumstances
Getting people “in the zone”
We create for each individual their own “zone”. We analyze in real time millions of bits of information about both physiological and psychological, to learn when and where an individual is most stressed, then suggest an alternative approach to get them back “in the zone”. Every person builds their own world of improvement based on hard science and big data analytics. The critical difference is that we use each individual’s own brain as the mediator. We don’t analyze and report, we evaluate in real time and move people directly to a better place.
Public Safety Officers want Intelligence Amplification
Our initial market activities are with public safety officers, starting with police departments. Police officers are under pressure every minute and have to balance use of force in thousands of circumstances in the course of a few seconds. In collaboration with America’s leading police training/advisory company, SensoLabs is developing an initial operational environment. Police departments across the country have applauded our effort to improve the live and performance of their officers
Dedicated to Public Safety
The Sentience Approach
Sentience is An Intelligence Amplification (technology) platform exclusively aimed at Public Safety and Law Enforcement Professionals.
Capture and Integrate physiological, psychological and environment influences – uniquely for each individual.
Build an inner “model” for each person of how each situation calls out different reactions
Redirect attention from anxiety to clarity using simple sounds, images or physical alerts.
SENTIENCE provides useful feedback as notices or alerts to perform better under the most stressful circumstances
Take a tour with our video..
Latest News
Sentience is the most basic deployment of the ECHO experience (Evolutionary Cognitive Horizon Orchestrator) with focus on an ontology related to the specific occupation.
The Georges Floyd Case
This video shows the timeline of the sadly famous case of Georges Floyd. The facts and consequeces of the behaviour of 4 police officers in Duty.
Read moreThe Sentience Approach
Introducing the The Guardian Initiative powered by The Sentience+ Elite Platform:Sentience is An Intelligence Amplification (technology) platform exclusively aimed at Public Safety and Law Enforcement Professionals for life-long peak physical[…]
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